Call for Papers
Israel Numismatic Research, a peer-reviewed journal published by the Israel Numismatic Society. The journal appears towards the end of each year. Each volume contains articles and reviews, and is sent free to all international members of the Israel Numismatic Society. The focus of the journal is articles on ancient Jewish, Greek and Roman as well as medieval coinages circulating in the southern Levant. Articles on medals, tokens metrology, and sealings and minor arts related to numismatics, are also be considered for inclusion. Currently, only articles in English are accepted.
The deadline for submission is June 30 every year. A detailed and updated Guidelines to Contributors is available online.
Donald T. Ariel, Israel Antiquities Authority (Editor); David Wasserstein, Vanderbilt University; Danny Syon, Israel Antiquities Authority; Oren Tal, Tel Aviv University; Yoav Farhi, Ben Gurion University
Manuscripts should be sent to or to:
Israel Numismatic Research
c/o Haim Gitler
The Israel Museum
P.O. Box 71117
Jerusalem 91710 ISRAEL.
The Israel Numismatic Society also publishes a monograph series, Numismatic Studies and Researches.
Questions or comments may be sent to the Editor, Donald T. Ariel
The Israel Numismatic Society
For inquiries regarding membership in the Israel Numismatic Society and regarding subscription to the journal, please call +972-2-6708831 (9AM-4PM Israel time) or e-mail