Israel Numismatic Research
Published by the Israel Numismatic Society
Volume 6 2011
3 JAROSŁAW BODZEK: Tiarate Heads on Samarian Coins
21 HAIM GITLER: The Earliest Coin of Judah
35 ALLA KUSHNIR-STEIN: Inscribed Hellenistic Weights of Palestine
61 DONALD T. ARIEL AND OLIVER D. HOOVER: A New Coin of the Mint of Marisa
79 ROSA M. MOTTA: Zeus on Dora’s Coins
93 DAVID HENDIN, CRAIG LUNDSTROM, ZACHARY WHITE AND NATHAN W. BOWER: Preliminary Sequencing of Herod I’s Undated Coins Based on Alloy Changes over Time
105 JEAN-PHILIPPE FONTANILLE: Herod Philip: The First Jewish Portrait
121 ANDREW M. BURNETT: Wife, Sister, or Daughter?
127 KENNETH MILLER: A First Jewish Revolt Prutah Overstrike
133 SHAI HENDLER AND LIONEL HOLLAND: Three Small Coins (minimi) from Caesarea Maritima
135 RAMI ARAV AND CARL SAVAGE: ARare Aureus of Antoninus Pius at Bethsaida
139 NATHAN T. ELKINS: A Mid-Fourth Century Purse Hoard from the Roman Auxiliary Fort at Yotvata
147 ERMANNO A. ARSLAN: The L812 Trench Deposit inside the Synagogue and the Isolated Finds of Coins in Capernaum, Israel: A Comparison of the Two Groups
163 GABRIELA BIJOVSKY: From Carthage to the Holy Land: The ‘Palm Tree’ Nummus
175 NITZAN AMITAI-PREISS AND L. ALEXANDER WOLFE: Amuletic Bronze Rings from the Arab-Byzantine Transitional Period
187 YOAV FARHI: A Fāṭimid Coin Die from Israel
191 REVIEW: Oliver D. Hoover, Andrew Meadows and Ute Wartenberg-Kagan (eds.), Coin Hoards. Vol. X. Greek Hoards. New York, 2010. (François de Callataÿ)
Tiarate Heads on Samarian Coins
Jarosław Bodzek
One of the most popular motifs among Samarian coin types is the so-called ‘tiarate head,’
with some 16 Samarian issues using it. Some of them copy coins struck in other parts of the
Achemenid state. Others use the type more freely, combining it with other reverse types.
There are two main variations of the tiarate head in Samarian coinage: the head in profile and
the head in three-quarter view. Based on details of tiara representations, one can distinguish
six variants of the first type. The prototypes for most of them should be sought in the satrapal
coinages of northwestern Asia Minor and Cilicia. Only one variant was likely to have been
introduced in Samaria.
The Earliest Coin of Judah
Haim Gitler
Recently a drachm with the lapidary Aramaic legend yhd appeared in the market. Based on
iconographic and epigraphic comparisons as well as metallurgical analyses the author suggests
that this coin should be regarded as the earliest known issue of Judah. The author further posits
that this issue was probably minted at the central Philistian mint for the province of Judah.
Inscribed Hellenistic Weights of Palestine
Alla Kushnir-Stein
The first part of the paper contains a survey of inscribed Hellenistic weights of Palestine
that have been published up to now. This is followed by presentation of hitherto
unpublished evidence. At the end, there is a discussion of the most prominent features
of the group
A New Coin of the Mint of Marisa
Donald T. Ariel Oliver D. Hoover
Two bronze coins bearing an Athena head obverse strongly reminiscent of the autonomous
mint of Marisa were found in excavations at Tel Maresha. Though the attribution of the coins
to the mint of Marisa seems certain, because of their context and the general numismatic
profile of the coins found at Maresha, it is more likely that the type is to be attributed to the
Seleucid rather than the autonomous series.
Zeus on Dora’s Coins
Rosa M. Motta
AbstractDora’s religious coin iconography focuses mainly on two figures: a female figure whose
characteristics make her easily recognizable as Tyche/Fortuna, and a male portrait whose
identification is not as straightforward. The head shows the markings of a mature Olympian
god who recalls the features of both Zeus and Poseidon but presents none of these two gods’
attributes. The god has conventionally been identified with ‘Doros, son of Poseidon;’ we
suggest, however, that the now familiar longhaired, long-bearded man portrayed on Dora’s
coins is Zeus and propose calling him ‘Zeus Doros,’ i.e., Zeus from Dora.
Preliminary Sequencing of Herod I’s Undated Coins Based on Alloy Changes over Time
David Hendin Craig Lundstrom Zachary White Nathan BowerAbstract
Undated prutot attributed to Herod I (the Great), and selected dated coins bracketing his rule,
were analyzed by x-ray fluorescence (XRF) to determine major and trace elements, and by
multi-collector inductively-coupled plasma mass-spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS) to obtain lead
isotopic analyses (LIA). Declining amounts of arsenic in Judean coins during the period 100
BCE to 100 CE allow us to study a proposed relative chronology for Herod I’s undated coins.
We attribute the loss of arsenic to both re-smelting of bronze and to a changing pattern in local
metal supplies, with copper alloys from Dead Sea Rift mines replacing those from Cyprus.
Herod Philip: The First Jewish Portrait
Jean-Philippe FontanilleAbstract
This article focuses on the four coin types struck under Herod Philip bearing his own portrait,
the earliest known portrait of a Jewish ruler.
Wife, Sister, or Daughter?
Andrew M. BurnettAbstract
The identity of the female head labeled CEBACTH on coins of Agrippa II of year 19 is
discussed. Interpretations as Livia or Berenice are rejected in favor of Julia, the daughter of
Emperor Titus.
A First Jewish Revolt Prutah Overstrike
Kenneth MillerAbstract
This paper presents a first Jewish revolt prutah of “year two,” which was overstruck on a
serrated Seleucid second-century BCE bronze possibly minted in ‘Akko-Ptolemais.
Three Small Coins (minimi) from Caesarea Maritima
Shai Hendler L ionel HollandAbstract
Three small coins (minimi) bearing Jewish symbols, found at Caesarea Maritima, are described.
They are compared with similar coins published by Meshorer. Die identities are noted, and a
new reading of one of Meshorer’s specimens is suggested.
A Rare Aureus of Antoninus Pius at Bethsaida
Rami Arav Carl SavageAbstract
In the summer of 2010 a rare aureus naming Antoninus Pius and struck in 138 CE was
unearthed in excavations at Bethsaida, located north of the Sea of Galilee. The coin was found
in a small room of a house with second-century CE finds and together with an iron lance
head, a dagger and an iron sickle in an adjacent room. This article summarizes the coin’s
archaeological context.
A Mid-Fourth Century Purse Hoard from the Roman Auxiliary Fort at Yotvata
Nathan T. ElkinsAbstract
In June 2005, a hoard of 31 to 34 bronze coins, probably representing the contents of a purse,
was excavated in the late Roman auxiliary fort at Yotvata. The hoard was lost in the area of a
water feature, perhaps a latrine. The coins were deposited after c. 358 CE.
The L812 Trench Deposit inside the Synagogue and the Isolated Finds of Coins in Capernaum, Israel: a Comparison of the Two Groups
Ermanno A. ArslanAbstract
This article analyzes the methods and periods of formation of the monetary assemblage of
Trench L812 of the Capernaum synagogue. Comparison of the coin profiles of the synagogue
with the recently published profile of the city fostered further investigation into the problems
in relating hoards and urban assemblages.
From Carthage to the Holy Land: The ‘Palm Tree’ Nummus
Gabriela BijovskyAbstract
Tiny, ill-struck copper coins depicting a palm tree are the most common type of coins from
Carthage discovered in excavations and hoards from Israel. This article studies their typology
and chronology within the framework of other nummi types minted in that city during the
Byzantine period
Amuletic Bronze Rings from the Arab-Byzantine Transitional Period
Nitzan Amitai-Preiss and L . Alexander WolfeAbstract
The rings published here bear eclectic images and inscriptions. The images themselves are
depicted on amuletic armbands described by Vikan (1991–1992), as are the first words of Psalm
90 (91). The principal innovation marking the iconic group as truly eclectic is the two Arabic
inscriptions, which are Islamic in character, in addition to the Greek inscription preceded by
a cross and the Gnostic iconography, dating the group to the latter part of the seventh century
CE. Similarities in certain of the aniconic rings with earlier Byzantine examples suggest a
common artistic and folkloristic tradition.
A Fāṭimid Coin Die from Israel
Yoav FarhiAbstract
This article presents a Fatimid die (possibly an ancient forgery) from northern Israel. The die
and its chemical analysis are discussed and compared to other known Islamic dies from the