Sylloge of Islamic Coins in the Israel Museum
The Paul Balog Collection
Egypt vol. III: The Mamlūks 1248-1517
Issa M. Baidoun
With a Contribution by Warren C. Schultz
General Editors
Stefan B. Heidermann.
Haim Gitler
The Israel Museum, Jerusalem in association with EUT Edizioni Universita di Trieste & Numismatica Bernardi S.R.L.- Trieste 2011
€ 60 plus shipping
To be ordered from Numismatica Bernardi, Trieste
cbern@spin.it; gpaoletti@numismaticabernardi.com

The Israeli distributor is Mr. Sami Taha, antiquarian. INS members will be able to obtain the book for (regular price ).
Orders can be placed with Mr. Taha at sami-v@inter.net.il, or at Tel. 02-5837606 Fax. 02-5837616
The Handbook of Greek Coinage
A New Series by Oliver Hoover

With a Foreword by David Hendin. 2010. lxxix and 201 numbered pp. (GR) (GR339).
More than three decades have passed since David Sear published Greek Coins & Their Values, his revision of Gilbert Askew’s A Catalogue of Greek Coins published by B. A. Seaby in 1951. Since then, the field of ancient numismatics and the hobby of collecting ancient coins have changed so much that now Greek Coins & Their Valueswould require a complete revision to include all of the most current numismatic information available, list the many new types and varieties unknown to Sear, and determine an approximate sense of rarity for all of these issues. In order to encompass this new material and create a viable reference for the beginning and specialized collector, such a handbook would have to be more than the two volumes, which Sear found necessary. As a result, Classical Numismatic Group is publishing The Handbook of Greek Coinage, written by Oliver D. Hoover, in a series of 13 volumes, each covering a specified area of Greek coinage. Completion of the series is expected within five years.
This series is designed to aid the user in the quick, accurate, and relatively painless identification of Greek coins, while providing a cross-reference for each entry to a major work, which will allow the inquirer to pursue more in-depth research on the subject. The subject-matter of each volume is arranged chronologically for royal issues, and regionally for the civic issues; within each region, cities are listed directionally, depending on the region. For those rulers or cities that issued coins concurrently in all three metals, these issues will be arranged in the catalog with gold first, followed by silver, and then bronze; each metal is arranged by denomination, largest to smallest. Known mints for the royal coinage are listed below the appropriate type, making an easy search for a specific mint. Each entry includes a rarity rating based on the frequency with which they appear in publications, public and private collections, the market, and/or are estimated to exist in public or private hands. No valuations are listed in the printed book, since such values are generally out of date by the time of publication. A web-based valuation guide at www.greekcoinvalues.com will allow interested individuals the opportunity to gauge the market, and reduce the need for repeated updates of this series. Whether one purchases the entire set for their reference library, or the individual volume pertaining to one’s area of specialization, The Handbook of Greek Coinage Series should provide a useful staging-point from which collectors and interested scholars can pursue their research and interests.
The second published volume in the series is Handbook of Coins of the Southern Levant: Phoenicia, Southern Koile Syria (Including Judaea), and Arabia, Fifth to First Centuries BC (Volume 10 in the series). This volume is arranged geographically from north to south with each region’s city entries in alphabetical order. The coinage within each city is arranged chronologically and begins with the royal issues during the Persian Empire (as is the case with the cities of Phoenicia), through the issues of Alexander the Great (both lifetime issues and those later civic issues in his name). Where rulers or cities issued coins concurrently in all three metals, these issues will be arranged in the catalog with gold first, followed by silver, and then bronze; each metal is arranged by denomination, largest to smallest.
Chaim Yashin, From Ascalon to Rafia: City-Coins of the Southern Palestinian Coast [Ashqelon: 2007]. 110 pp. 27 B/W plates.
This attractive small volume comprises the author’s personal coin collection. Born in Poland Yashin came to Palestine in 1942. A resident of Ashqelon, he began collecting coins in the 1950s, and specialized in the mints closest to his home: Ascalon, Gaza, Raphia and Anthedon. Perhaps the best collection of these mints’ coins in Israel, Yashin prepared a full catalogue of the results of a lifetime of collecting, completing it—along with detailed introductions to each series—before his death in 2002.
The volume was posthumously published by Chaim Yashin’s widow. It includes 519 detailed catalogue entries (Ascalon, 271; Gaza, 214; Raphia, 31; and Anthedon, 3), covering the full range of minting of these cities, from the Persian period (end of the fifth century bce) to the Umayyad period (eighth century ce). Almost all of the coins are illustrated in 27 plates of quality black and white photographs. The collection contains many new variants, and is without doubt the most comprehensive report of the coins of these four mints published to date.
Price: 110 NIS. For INS members: 90 NIS. For purchasing, please contact Chaim Yashin's daughter at daniellaharpaz@gmail.com