The Israel Numismatic Society

Israel Numismatic Research 19 (2024)
Now Available (January 2025)

Yehud Coinage
A Study and Die Classification of the Provincial Silver Coinage of Judah
Haim Gitler, Catharine Lorber and Jean-Philippe Fontanille
Jerusalem, 2023
This volume presents a die study of the provincial silver coinage of Judah in the late Persian, Macedonian, and early Hellenistic periods. It offers correct descriptions of the coins, their designs, and their inscriptions; enumerates the obverse and reverse dies identified for each of the 44 recorded types; and explains the probable sequence of the issues as deduced from iconographic associations and die links.
The iconography of the coin types is examined in depth, with comparisons to motifs in Greek, Persian, and ancient Near Eastern art, including other local coinages and sources in Judahite material culture. The monograph also analyzes data relating to the metrology, metal content, and circulation of the coinage. Overall, the study attempts to place the Yehud coinage in its historical context and to define its role in the economy of the ancient province of Judah.
The book is being sold by the Israel Numismatic Society.
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The price of the book is $150 + shipping. Members of the Israel Numismatic Society, The American Numismatic Society and current University Students are entitled to a 20% discount, namely $120 + shipping.

The Israel Numismatic Society (INS)
The main objectives of the INS are:
The Israel Numismatic Society (INS)
History and aims of the Society:
- The Israel Numismatic Society (INS) was founded in Tel Aviv on May 10, 1945. In 1956 the INS approved a charter, which laid out the objectives and functioning of the society until recently. Since then three branches, in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa, grew up and have conducted regular monthly meetings. A journal on behalf of the INS, the Israel Numismatic Journal, was published, beginning in 1962. With the presidency of Prof. Dan Barag, the journal was reactivated (with Prof. Dan Barag as editor); ten volumes have appeared since 1980. In March 17, 2006 an updated charter was unanimously approved by a general meeting of representatives from all of the branches. This updated charter (see additional attached file) will ensure that the INS will continue to function efficiently in the coming years. The Israel Numismatic Society also decided on the publication on a regular basis of a scientific journal, the Israel Numismatic Research (the first volume was published in February 2007 and volume 2 has been submitted to the printer and will come out at the end of December of this year)
In June 26, 2007 the society received the formal certificate of Amutah.
The main objectives of the INS are:
- * The advancement and of the study of numismatics in Israel
- * The encouragement of numismatic training and research on all levels among Israeli institutions and private individuals
- * The administration of and coordination between the INS branches, in which lectures and other activities take place
- * The holding of scientific conferences and symposia on numismatic subjects
- * The cooperation with sister organizations abroad in general, and with the Commission Internationale de Numismatique (CIN) in particular
- * The collaboration with other Israeli academic organizations in tangential fields
- * The publication on a regular basis of a scientific journal , the Israel Numismatic Research and related studies on its behalf.
The INS branch in Tel Aviv conducts monthly meetings, which include lectures by professionals and collectors and seminars presented by the members. In addition, the members use the monthly meetings to exchange information and discuss coins on an informal basis. The society holds a plenary meeting once a year, preceded by a country-wide symposium.
Postal address:
Haim Gitler, c/o the Israel Museum,
P.O.Box 71117
Jerusalem 9171002
The INS branch in Tel Aviv conducts monthly meetings, which include lectures by professionals and collectors and seminars presented by the members. In addition, the members use the monthly meetings to exchange information and discuss coins on an informal basis. The society holds a plenary meeting once a year, preceded by a country-wide symposium.
Postal address:
Haim Gitler, c/o the Israel Museum,
P.O.Box 71117
Jerusalem 9171002